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I saw the SIGN

from 4 Signs of a Low Value Woman
November 3, 2020

The Four Signs of a Low Value Woman:

The first one: she operates a lot in shame. What is shame? Shame, noun: a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior.

A low-value woman uses these four things to control, manipulate, dominate, get her way, check people, whatever you want to start off and her first thing is shame.

Take a case in point: Let’s say some of the things... When women come to my channel, here’s a shaming tactic. They use shaming tactics. “Your mama black.” “You hate women.” Shaming tactics. Shame shame shame. Shame is one of the four major arrows of a low-value woman. It’s part of a low-value woman’s pathology. Across the board, I don’t care what you have on paper, when women operate in these areas, they diminish their value to low. Because if you really have a good argument, you should not have to shame somebody. Shaming is just a way to get control of the conversation.

Shame is different than insult. Shame is used to turn a positive into a negative. Shame, again, shaming tactics: success shaming, oh where “you think you’re better than everybody ‘cuz now you lost weight or you got some money.” Shaming tactics, meant to keep you stuck. The people who can’t win the argument tend to use shaming tactics. That’s the number one. That’s the “S” in the SIGN.

Another sign of a low-value woman is: she often insults. Insults, to speak or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse. “You gay.” “You got a little pee-pee.” “You ugly.” You this. You that. Insults. Oh my goodness, think how often you hear someone, when they’re losing an argument or can’t stand on the merits of the argument, they want to come out with an insult. In debate, it’s called an ad hominem “against the man.” The first person to get off the topic and start making personal insults is the one that loses. Insult. Low-value women playbook, pathology, shame: shaming tactics, insults. And the insults can be: your height, your weight, your money, the way you look. Insults. They are more ready to give an insult than a compliment. Matter of fact, not only do they insult, they take pride in their insults. And if you can’t “take” their insults, they shame you: “Aw, look at you. You too weak.” Again, shaming tactics. You’re supposed to be able to handle their insults. And see, low-value women feel like people should be able to “handle” them. That’s not working. No one wants to “handle” a woman.

So, if you use shame as a tactic to get your way, you may be low-value. If you’re often insulting to get your way or to shut people up or shut people down, you may be low-value.

You know the next one? The “S” and the “I,” the next thing, let’s go with the “G.” The “G” is guilt. Guilt, the fact of having committed...

In the chat room, ask yourself a question: Have you ever had anyone try to shame you, just because you were right?

Guilt, making someone feel guilty, especially in order to induce them to do something. Guilt, a manipulation. “Your mama black” is not only a shaming tactic, it’s a guilting tactic. It’s made to move you under control. See, these things are somewhat passive and somewhat aggressive. Shame, insults, and guilt are ways to manipulate control, exert power. And it’s not done in a physical way, it’s done in an emotional way. You know, physical bruises and scars and attacks heal. Emotional ones go on forever. Low-value women specialize in low-value, high-potency shame, guilt, and insult attacks. They’re good at them. Guilting you: “Oh, you’re going out with your boys? OK, well, you must not love me.” Guilt, meaning that if you don’t do what you want them to do, you’re a bad person.

Four signs of a woman that’s low-value. See, a high-value woman, by contrast, a high-value woman, she’s appealing and attractive. She has a comforting character. Her character, a high-value woman is comforting in her character. She’s not going to shame you, insult you, or guilt you. She’s going to lift and build people up. She’s enthusiastic and exuberant about things. She’s, like I said, she’s liberating. Low-value women are the opposite. They are burdensome. A high-value woman is a feminine asset. A low-value woman is a liability. And it typically is a masculine liability, but it can be a feminine liability. There are some feminine low-value women. Make no mistake.

And last, the last sign that a woman may be low-value is this one: the incessant need to be right. I have video after video after video of me having conversations with women here who would argue you into the ground. If you’ve ever dealt with somebody who absolutely needs to be right... Let me explain the root of this: There are many... The need to right can be rooted in different things. But firstly, the need to be right is often a mask for insecurity. The person is concerned how others perceive them and if they’re wrong or if they’ve felt like they’re not meeting whatever expectations, they will force themselves to be right. People who need to be right tend to be masking insecurity. Insecurity about what? That’s a different subject.

One of the best things that you can learn is to let it go. You don’t need to be right, just relax in being correct. Think about the young lady I was talking to the other day, the twenty-six year-old virgin who kept on wanting to argue about “fornication” and “the bible, the bible.” Wait till you listen to this call. All the things in there: shame, insult, guilt, the need to be right... low value. Just because you’re a virgin and a Christian doesn’t make you high-value when you move in the way you do. You’ll see it. It will be laid out and you’ll be like: Wow! All of this to prove to be right on something. And see, low-value women, why they lose men, especially high-value men, they are more concerned, they want to win the argument but they lose the man. Low-value women win the argument and lose men.

Many of your mothers are low-value. Why? There’s a reason your dad ain’t around. And often times we are told that the men are all, that dads are all horrible people. No. Mathematically impossible. Many times, the guy was like Jeannie Mai’s father and just got tired of being beat down with a woman who was domineering and needed to be right to where he just had to leave. Broke his heart to leave his family and everything else, but it was either leave or die. This happens often.

Go back to that video when I said: Where will you ever see a mother-daughter having this kind of conversation? The need to be right out of all of these is the most destructive, because it’s rooted in insecurities that you, I, everybody else cannot know or understand. It’s like: Why are you arguing over this insignificant point? Often times when I talk to someone, they’ll have a need to be right and I’m like: You’ve lost the overall big picture. Case in point with the twenty-six year-old virgin. My point was overall: You’re worried about fornication, whether or not it’s a sin. Granted, it’s a sin, but the fact that you’re a disagreeable, angry young woman makes it to where no one wants to be around you and you have a problem letting anyone get close to you. Fornication is on down the list, on down the line. But see, when someone is insecure, they can hammer this point because they can’t handle what comes before or after it.

Ladies, I need you to ask yourself a question: do you move in any of these ways? And see, here’s the sad thing: there are a lot of really well-meaning women who are poisoned from birth and in their childhood. A lot of women today are walking around with poison and cancers of the spirit that have been put into them by their family, by their community, by their church, by many things. And you got a lot of... ‘cause kids are innocent. They pick up the environment. Like I was talking to a young girl the other day. I said: you’re far too angry to be twenty-two years old.

I make no bones about it. There are many women today who are walking around miserable in their lives because they never had a chance because their mothers, their grandmothers, their aunties, the culture, whoever. But here’s the thing: while that is true, I say this often. To you and me, this is the reality, the world does not owe either of us understanding.

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